Welcome to BrandNewTaste BV — where tradition meets innovation, and every ingredient tells a story.
Our Operations
At BrandNewTaste™, we function as Marketing and Direct Sales Agents for many esteemed firms in the market. With nearly 40 years of experience, we nurture relationships and expand a network that spans decades. Our dedication to building and maintaining strong partnerships is the cornerstone of our success.

Why Choose Us?
A question we frequently encounter is why customers choose us as Sales Agents instead of dealing directly with the source. The answer is simple: as BrandNewTaste™ Sales Agents, we offer not only expertise but also a suite of technical facilities. These include our Taste Performance Innovation Center™, the KitchenTable™, and the KitchenLab™. These resources empower us to provide unparalleled support and innovation to our clients.
In addition to our efficiency and competency, we offer strong marketing tools within our network, such as TheTastePodcast™ and KitchenTalk™. These platforms allow us to amplify our reach and impact, providing clients with enhanced visibility and engagement opportunities.

Our Location
BrandNewTaste™ is strategically located in Hilversum, just 30 km from Schiphol Amsterdam Airport. This prime location allows us to efficiently serve our clients both locally and internationally.

Streamlining Procurement
Our role is to streamline the procurement process, ensuring our clients receive products that meet the highest standards of quality and service excellence. We are committed to maintaining GFSI certification, guaranteeing product safety and reliability.

At BrandNewTaste™, we are proud to offer a blend of expertise, innovation, and dedication that sets us apart in the industry. Join us on this journey of taste and discovery, where we redefine what it means to be a true partner in the world of flavours and ingredients.


In our inviting kitchen, the focal point is our table, where you'll discover what TASTE truly means to us.


In our KitchenLab™ you will find ingredients from around the world. Traditional, Pure and Simple.


Our KitchenTalks™ is a think-tank, among our strong network of industry professionals. We connect, inspire and produce. No idea is a bad idea.
We Innovate!

Robert Strik

the man behind it all
Welcome to Our World of Premium Flavours & Ingredients.
Robert Strik Founder of BrandNewTaste bv.  
Founder’s Message
Welcome to our vibrant community at BrandNewTaste bv. As the founder and visionary behind this Taste Journey, I am delighted to introduce you to the Taste Performance Innovation Center™. This is where culinary dreams take shape at our KitchenTable™, where creativity is unleashed in the KitchenLab™, where ideas are shared at KitchenTalk™, and where stories are told on TheTastePodcast™.
At BrandNewTaste bv, we are TasteFriends, committed to the principles of Tradition, Pure and Simple. Our mission is to revolutionize the way you experience Premium Flavours and Ingredients, bringing simplicity and sophistication to your culinary Ventures.
My Story
The Birth of BrandNewTaste bv, Hilversum, The Netherlands.
BrandNewTaste bv was born out of a passion for excellence and a desire to transform the culinary landscape. My Taste Journey began with a simple idea: to make the sourcing of Tasty Ingredients simpler, smarter and more satisfying for our clients in the food industry.
With over more then 40 years of experience in the Sweet and Culinary B2B Industry, we specialize in providing exceptional services and Premium Tasty Ingredients to industrial food production companies. Our unique approach, which is technical and commercial, sets us apart from typical brokers or jobbers, allowing us to deliver unparalleled value to our clients.
My Promise
Commitment to Excellence
At BrandNewTaste bv, we streamline the procurement process, ensuring that our clients receive products that meet the highest standards of quality and service excellence. We are dedicated to maintaining the utmost in product safety and reliability.
My Core Values
Integrity, responsibility, dedication, perseverance and discipline are the pillars upon which BrandNewTaste bv is built. I am committed to these values in every aspect of our business, ensuring that we remain true TasteFriends to clients and partners.
Taste Performance Innovation Center™: A hub for culinary creativity and excellence.
KitchenTalk™, KitchenTable™, KitchenLab™, TheTastePodcast™: Platforms for collaboration, learning, and sharing.
Field 2 Table Innovations: Bridging the gap between raw ingredients and culinary masterpieces.
With a legacy of innovation and a passion for flavours, BrandNewTaste bv invites you to join us in this exciting TasteJourney. To inspire, create and deliver the extraordinary tastes that will define the future of food.
Robert Strik (1960)
Over 300+

Customized Tasty Ingredients.


Let’s cook up something great together!